以前は、このブログで扱っていた球体関節人形。現在は別ブログ "Small portfolio" で記事を公開しています。
ブログ"Small portfolio" (https://afterglowinsusran.hatenablog.com/)の4月の記事一覧
更新日 | 記事名 | 備考 | 記事アドレス |
402 | Akiko: To her too, an imitation rose flower | Akiko Mana NAKASHIMA_Nakashima Seihachi doll #21「黒いドレスの少女」 | https://afterglowinsusran.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/02/065612 |
406 | Alice38: Red (for frustration and anger) | Alice38_Seisen Doll | https://afterglowinsusran.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/06/064051 |
412 | Jean: Unnecessary | Jean_sakuradoll『No.33』 | https://afterglowinsusran.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/12/062453 |
416 | Elica: Imaginary August Light | Elica_KINGYOKUTOU_HIINA Kayuri Doll | https://afterglowinsusran.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/16/063457 |
418 | Frieda: Deafening Cry of Silence | Frieda_WADA Marie doll | https://afterglowinsusran.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/18/163044 |
420 | Psyche: The beauty in a strange and unexplainable sort of way | Psyche_MAKI tamaki doll | https://afterglowinsusran.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/20/064115 |
421 | Jean: In her box | Jean_sakuradoll『No.33』 | https://afterglowinsusran.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/21/120951 |
423 | Alice38: Another past | Alice38_Seisen Doll | https://afterglowinsusran.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/23/064858 |
426 | Elica: A little more gorgeous | Elica_KINGYOKUTOU_HIINA Kayuri Doll | https://afterglowinsusran.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/26/103303 |
下は直近の記事3つのトップ画像 (画像は新しいものから並んでいます。)
Elica: A little more gorgeous
Alice38: Another past
Jean: In her box
同じく、外出記録用のブログ "L'Étranger 1911120" の記事も。
ブログ"L'Étranger 1911120" (https://redvaudirblue.hatenablog.com/)の4月の記事一覧
更新日 | 記事名 | 備考 | 記事アドレス |
405 | At the pine forest (from private photobook) | @she_is_423 浜寺公園 | https://redvaudirblue.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/05/100547 |
407 | I like the station. | @she_is_423 JR天王寺駅 | https://redvaudirblue.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/07/063859 |
409 | At Tower of the sun (from private photobook) | @she_is_423 阪急山田駅 太陽の塔 万博記念公園 | https://redvaudirblue.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/09/063258 |
413 | Standalone_ (from private photobook) | @she_is_423 万博記念公園駅 | https://redvaudirblue.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/13/060959 |
417 | At Sumiyoshi Taisha_ (from private photobook) | @she_is_423 住吉大社 | https://redvaudirblue.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/17/064156 |
422 | With the model car | 大阪中之島 @she_is_423 ミニカー | https://redvaudirblue.hatenablog.com/entry/2020/04/22/100940 |
With the model car
At Sumiyoshi Taisha_ (from private photobook)
At Tower of the sun (from private photobook)